The faculty and staff of Patoka CUSD 100, are dedicated in helping our Mohawks and Warriors become lifelong learners and productive members of society: mature, independent thinkers who possess the skills necessary to direct them to higher levels of learning and achievement.
MISSION STATEMENT OF DISTRICT - It is the mission of Patoka Community Unit School District #100 to ensure that the education of each child is the heart of the school operation, and that all services provided are appraised in terms of their contributions to the progress of instruction. The school, parents, students, and community must cooperate in the process of making our children informed, inquiring, and productive citizens who respect themselves and others. To this end, the district shall offer each child the opportunity and the care to develop his/her potential.
Our district has also participated in various student exchange programs through the years.
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* Patoka School E-Learning Plan
Click the NFHS Network logo to watch Warrior & Mohawk Basketball & Volleyball home games!