Bullying & Mental Health Resources

Patoka Community Unit School District #100 is committed to maintaining a safe and respectful environment that is conductive  to learning.

Grounds for disciplinary action apply whenever bullying is related to school or school activities including, but not limited to the following:

1. On school grounds before, during or after school hours
2. On school grounds when the school is being used by a school group
3. Off school grounds at a school-sponsored activity, event, or any activity or event which bears a reasonable relationship to school
4. Traveling to or from school for a school activity, function or field trip
5. Anywhere, if the aggressive behavior may be reasonably considered to be a threat or an attempted intimidation or a student, visitor, or staff member or an interference with the school purposes or an educational function

Students who are victims of, or are witness to bullying at any time by anyone, are encouraged to notify any employee of the school district.  When there is evidence of a violation of this policy, the staff and administration and/or Board of Education will work collaboratively and shall take appropriate actions. 

Click here to read Patoka School's Prevention of and Response to Bullying, Intimidation and Harassment policy.

Click here to print out Patoka School's Student Bullying Report Form

Click here to read Patoka School's Suicide and Depression Awareness and Prevention policy.

Click here to read ISBE's Notice of Procedural Safeguards for Parents/Guardians of Students with Disabilities

Click here to read ISBE's Sexual Abuse Response and Prevention Resource Guide

Click here to complete Patoka School's Bullying Incident Reporting Form

Few times in a person's life are as lonely or as frightening as the days following a sexual assault.   SAFE offers crisis intervention by phone and in-person, medical and legal advocacy, and personal and emotional support to sexual assault victims and their families.   T
o contact SAFE call 800-625-1414 or click here to learn more


Community Resource Center, established in 1969, provides programs for the prevention, intervention, and treatment of mental health problems and substance abuse. Educational programs, advocacy, support groups, outreach, and transitional living are also available.  To contact CRC call 618-533-1391 or click here to learn more

* Dial 988 to reach the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline

* Text HOME to 741741 to reach the Crisis Text Line

* Contact Safe2Help Illinois: Dial 844-4-SAFEIL, Text SAFE2 (72332), email [email protected] (mail to: [email protected])

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